Monday, January 31, 2011

In case you haven't heard...

I'm pregnant!

Joseph and I are very excited to be announcing that we are expecting our first bundle of joy July 20, 2011. It's been a little hard to wrap our heads around the fact that we are going to be parents. I am now about 16 weeks and I am feeling great.

15 weeks

I have finally gotten over the morning sickness stage and life is going great. We are excited to find out the sex of the baby in a couple of weeks. Joseph wants a boy, of course, and I would really be happy with which ever I got. I have been busy looking up old wives tales and the Chinese gender chart. Here is what I have come up with...

Chinese Gender Chart: Boy

Heart Beat is 162: Girl

Carrying Baby Low: Boy

Mother's Age and Conception Date is Even: Boy

Craving Sweets: Girl

Rest on the Left Side: Boy

Those are just a few I have been reading and hearing about a lot. On the Shinoda side all the grandchildren who have had kids so far were the opposite sex of the grandchild; so all the boy grandchildren had girls and all the girl grandchildren had boys as their first child. So going along with the pattern I should have a boy. But whatever it is we will be happy to have it. I put a poll in the right column for our friends and family to vote and predict what we are having. I will be 20 weeks the second week of March so that is when the closing date is. Start voting! We are interested in seeing what everyone thinks we are having.


Scott+Kimber+Ruby=Scimby said...

So excited for you Emi!!!! A bunch of those old wives tales said we were having a boy....but the beats per minute is the most accurate! Glad you're feeling good!

whitney johnson said...

i voted for girl :) can't wait for you guys to find out!!

Amber said...

CONGRATS! Look at your cute little belly :)

Kaylene Myers said...

Emi this is so great! I'm due on July 21st, and agree, it's SO nice being out of the "morning sickness" saga. You're looking so cute and I can't wait to hear more!